Does Sildenafil Expire?

Sildenafil is an FDA-approved medication that is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction in men, it has a shelf life of two years, and it does expire.
Are you wondering about does Sildenafil expire? It should be known that, like any other medication, Sildenafil has a shelf life too. Shelf life is the duration a medicine is effective and safe for consumption. We have provided in this content a clear view of the expiry of Sildenafil, factors affecting the duration, and if taking the expired Sildenafil is dangerous. However, let us first know what Sildenafil is.
What Is Sildenafil?
Sildenafil belongs to the class of drugs known as phosphodiesterases-5 inhibitors and is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat impotence in 1998.
Sildenafil treats ED by increasing blood flow to your penis, which helps you get or keep an erection. It is only helpful for Erectile Dysfunction if you are sexually excited [1].
Additionally, Sildenafil is also used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH) and improves the quality of life.
Do Sildenafil Pills Expire?
If you are about to use or already use Sildenafil, you might have a few questions about when it expires. For example, do Sildenafil pills expire? Does Sildenafil work past the expiration date? Does Sildenafil lose effectiveness over time? How long is Sildenafil good for? When does Sildenafil expire, etc.
We have all the answers to your questions in this section of our blog.
As we have mentioned earlier, like many other medicines, Sildenafil becomes less effective over time as the active chemical ingredients in the pill degrade. Hence, yes, Sildenafil does expire; therefore, it is recommended not to use expired Sildenafil.
According to PubChem, the shelf life of Sildenafil is two years from the date of manufacture [4]. The potency of the medicine deteriorates over this time and can cause side effects. Thus, Sildenafil along with its brand medications such as Aurogra 100 mg, Malegra, and Eriacta, etc has an expiry date and must be consumed before it.
Factors That Affect Sildenafil Expiration
Besides the expiry date mentioned on the pill pack, improper storage can also affect the medicine's efficacy. It can make the medicine unusable even within the expiry date. Hence, one should always store drugs properly in airtight containers. Tampered and broken seal of the tablet can expedite the expiry duration. Moreover, exposure to heat and moisture can lower the efficacy.
Is Expired Sildenafil Dangerous?
Yes, expired Sildenafil can be risky because it can cause various unwanted side effects and will not be as effective as once. FDA has mentioned that taking an expired medication can be dangerous for multiple reasons, along with the following [8]-
Biological reactions due to altering of the chemical composition.
Medicines might develop bacterial growth over time.
Reduced strength of the chemicals can cause inefficacy.
The use of this expired tablets further affects how long Sildenafil stay in your system.
What Happens If You Take Expired Sildenafil?
Can you take expired Sildenafil? No, if you take expired Sildenafil, there is no guarantee that the medicine will be as effective as it used to be. This is primarily because the drug's chemical composition (active ingredient) changes over time. The use of Sildenafil carries a risk of adverse reactions, which may be more likely to occur if the product is expired.
Expired Sildenafil Side Effects
There is no guarantee about how your body will react after taking expired Sildenafil. A few of the side effects of Sildenafil that one might experience are mentioned below.
Runny nose
Body Aches
Shortness of breath
Digestive problems
Changes of vision
Expired Sildenafil also causes headaches and If you've taken this ED pill after the expiration date and are experiencing side effects, stop taking it right away [5].
Proper Disposal Of Sildenafil
If your medication has expired, contact your healthcare provider for a new prescription refill. Do not dispose of expired medications by flushing them down the toilet, as this is not recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Improper disposing of medications can be harmful to people, animals, and the environment.
Instead, the expired Sildenafil tablet should be mixed with an unpalatable substance, such as dirt, coffee grinds, or kitty litter, and then placed into a sealed plastic trash bag for disposal. One can also visit a drug take-back site, as mentioned by FDA.
Sildenafil has a period of usability from the date of manufacture to the date of expiry. Its shelf life is generally 2 years; however, improper storing of the pill can reduce the usable period. Based on our understanding and findings, we do not recommend using Sildenafil after it has expired for the following reasons -
The effectiveness of the drug decreases.
It can lead to adverse side effects
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)-
Sildenafil (Oral Tablet): Side Effects, Dosage, Uses, and Review, Healthline
How Long Does Viagra Last? Healthline
Sildenafil, PubChem
Does Viagra Expire? Sildenafil Shelf Life Guide, Promescent
Sildenafil - Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Drug Warnings, and Precautions, Icliniq
Side-effect profile of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in clinical practice, PubMed