Gabapentin For Anxiety - Does It Really Work?

Gabapentin helps with anxiety within 4 weeks of use, and its effects last for about 8 weeks. It is an off-label benefit and is commonly prescribed in cases where the first therapeutic line fails to achieve targeted benefits.
Gabapentin dosage for panic disorder, anxiety, and depression is 300 mg for beginners, which can go up to 3600 mg per day.
Initially approved for treating seizures, Gabapentin for anxiety is one of its common off-label use. In addition, it is also used off-label for treating conditions like alcohol withdrawal and pain after surgery.
Today we meticulously try to answer the question, “Is gabapentin used for anxiety” and see how it may help people with mental health conditions.
An Overview of Gabapentin and Anxiety
Gabapentin and its brand medicine Neurontin is a novel anticonvulsant drug that is effective in treating seizures. It is a prescription medication known as GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) analog. The medical use of Gabapentin was initially approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in the year 1993.
Whereas anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, nervousness, or worry that typically occurs in the absence of an impending threat. There are different types of anxiety, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and phobia.
Symptoms of anxiety may include-
Problems concentrating.
Sweating, shaking, and palpitation.
This blog focuses on the use of Gabapentin or Neurontin for anxiety, depression, and panic attack.
Is Gabapentin Used For Anxiety?
Even though clinical studies indicate its beneficial effect in improving anxiety, its medical use is not yet approved by the FDA.
So, how does Gabapentin help with anxiety? The structure of Gabapentin is scientifically similar to Pregabalin, a treatment option approved by the FDA for anxiety.
What do clinical studies indicate?
A study evaluating the use of Gabapentin for Generalized Anxiety Disorder shows it to be an effective treatment option.
In another study that was published in the year 2012, researchers tested Gabapentin 300 mg and 900 mg daily in women who were suffering from breast cancer and had anxiety. Both the dosage of this anticonvulsant improved anxiety symptoms compared to the placebo after 4 weeks [3].
A 1998 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry evaluated various case studies and found Gabapentin to be useful as an additive medication in people with anxiety, typically for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder [4].
How Does Gabapentin Work For Anxiety?
The action of Gabapentin is similar to that of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter that transmits signslas between the nerve cells.
It helps by lowering the abnormal excitement of the brain, thus being an effective treatment option for Seizures. Animal studies suggest that it produces behavioral changes and induces calmness.
How Long Does Gabapentin Take To Work For Anxiety?
It may take a few weeks or more for Gabapentin to show its effects on anxiety. For instance, in a 2012 study, it was reviewed that this anticonvulsant was efficient after 4 weeks of treatment, and the benefits continued for 8 weeks [3].
Gabapentin For Panic Attacks
A panic attack can occur as a sudden trigger of an episode of fear affecting the normal working and functioning of a person.
The use of Gabapentin can help with panic attacks. A study suggests that patients taking Gabapentin showed significant improvement in the Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) change score. The clinical study further reports that it may have anxiolytic effects in patients with panic disorder [5].
Gabapentin For Anxiety In the Elderly- Is It Advisable?
The use of Gabapentin by older adults must be done with caution, as they are more likely to suffer from side effects. Thus, it is recommended for people above 65 years to take this anticonvulsant for anxiety after consulting a doctor.
Is Gabapentin An Antidepressant?
The ability of Gabapentin or its brand drugs, such as Gabasign or Neurontin, to act as an antidepressant is supported by numerous clinical studies.
Case Study 1- A study by E Vieta published in 2000 suggests the use of Gabapentin as an adjunctive treatment for patients with bipolar disorder. This medication helps in improving depressive residual symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, and social withdrawal [6].
Case Study 2- In a second study by Po W Wang et al., the use of Gabapentin is well tolerated and effective in improving mild to moderate bipolar depression [7].
Case Study 3- A clinical trial by K N Sokolski suggests that Gabapentin helps patients with bipolar depression who do not respond well to other mood stabilizers [8].
Gabapentin Dosage For Anxiety And Depression
The Gabapentin for anxiety dose ranges from 300 mg to 3600 mg daily. However, higher doses are divided into three doses per day.
Taking a dose of Gabasign 300 mg may also act similarly to its generic medication.
The dose of this anticonvulsant will increase every three to five days. When used as an anti-depressant, the use dose of Gabasign range between 900 to 2000 mg per day.
The half-life of Gapenatin is 6 hours; thus, the medication should be taken three to four times a day.
Neurontin for anxiety
Most people often wonder whether Neurontin is effective for anxiety. Neurontin, the brand medication of Gabapentin, shows similar effectiveness and potency as its generic drug.
So, we can say the following-
Neurontin dose for anxiety- 300mg per day.
Dosage Gap- 6 hours
Maximum dose- 3600 mg per day.
Elderly guidelines- Not advisable for elderly people.
How To Take Gabasign For Anxiety?
Proper administration of the anticonvulsant to treat anxiety is important to get the most out of the drug. Below are a few steps that you should follow while taking the medicine-
Swallow the tablets with a glass of water; do not chew them.
You can take this medication with or without food.
If you take higher doses of the drug, try to divide it evenly throughout the day.
How To Get Prescribed Gabapentin For Anxiety?
Since Gabapentin is not a prescription drug for anxiety, thus it is often prescribed when the first line of treatment fails to achieve the targeted result.
General physicians and psychiatrists may write you a prescription for mental health disorders.
Gabapentin For Anxiety Side Effects
The side effects include Dizziness, weakness, Headache, Sleepiness, skin rash, and fluid buildup.
Gabapentin also causes constipation and dry mouth; thus, it is important to stay hydrated.
Other side effects that may occur from taking this anticonvulsant are blurry vision, agitation, fatigue, and tremors.
Alternative Of Gabapentin
As the Anxiolytics effects of Gabapentin are its off-label benefit, thus, here are a few alternative prescription drugs for anxiety.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, such as Zoloft, Celexa, and Prozac.
Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, including Cymbalta and Effexor XR.
This anticonvulsant can also be used as an adjunctive drug with the above-mentioned medicine for better results.
Other natural therapeutic ways to manage signs of anxiety are-
Making lifestyle changes such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smoking, sleeping well, eating healthy, etc.
Trying Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help in decreasing signs of anxiety.
Exercise for at least 15 to 20 minutes regularly as it helps in releasing endorphins in the body, which helps in boosting the mood of the person.
Spend time with your loved ones.
Is Gabapentin Good For Anxiety - The Takeaway
The use of Gabapentin for anxiety is the off-label benefit of the medication. Clinical studies support its beneficial effects in managing anxiety, panic attack, and bipolar depression in users.
A physician may not prescribe Gabasign or Neurontin as the first line of treatment, but it may be recommended as an adjunctive drug for better results.
The key takeaway from the blog-
The Gabapentin dose for anxiety is 300 mg to 3600 mg per day.
It takes four weeks for Gabasign or Neurontin to start improving signs of anxiety.
The beneficial effect of this anticonvulsant for anxiety lasts over 8 weeks.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)-
Gabapentin may be effective in treating depression and anxiety.
Gabapentin (Neurontin®): Basic Information, simpleandpractical
Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Gabapentin, NLM
A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial of Gabapentin 300mg versus 900mg versus Placebo for Anxiety Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors, NLM
Gabapentin as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders, The American Journal of Psychiatry
Placebo-controlled study of gabapentin treatment of panic disorder, PubMed.
Adjunctive gabapentin treatment of bipolar disorder, PubMed.
Gabapentin augmentation therapy in bipolar depression, PubMed.