As healthcare providers, we know we are dealing with sensitive topics, so we collect information only from Trusted and reliable sources such as govt. Sites and reputed Journals. We keep updating our blogs to provide our readers with the latest and most up-to-date information.
The editorial policy of Remedy Counter Pharmacy outlines the guidelines that we uphold while creating and publishing content. It reflects our dedication to providing high-quality, accurate information that helps readers make informed decisions about their health. The editorial team is run by a committee comprising recognized authors and experts in the relevant field.
Remedy Counter is committed to providing scientific-backed, accurate, and up-to-date health information. We meet the highest editorial standards, focusing on accuracy, fairness, and transparency. Our team of experts diligently curates and reviews the information that is published on our website.
A range of conditions is treated by Remedy Counter, and hence we understand that it is our utmost responsibility to provide our readers with accurate information. So to ensure that our blogs and content remain a reliable source of information, Dr. Uche Ogbuagu, the medical reviewer at Remedy Counter, reviews and updates the information every 45 days.
The information (including product pages and blogs) is for informational purposes only. One should not consider this as professional medical advice, treatment advice, or diagnosis. Any medication mentioned by us should be taken after consulting a doctor. We further advise you to check the Drug policy of Remedy counter to get a better understanding of our operations and the medication we retail.
Remedy Counter provides no medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All of the website's content, including cited clinical and scientific research data, is accessible solely for educational and informational purposes. Our team of professionals works tirelessly to ensure that all information on our website has been meticulously researched and is accessible to our readers. The data provided on Remedy Counter adheres to national and international guidelines for medical and clinical trials. Before taking any of the medications on our website, we advise everyone to consult with a doctor.